We propagate the achievement of net zero greenhouse gas (‘GHG’) emissions by 2050 or sooner.

Over the past 25 years, fintechinvestment.ltd is a part of one of the largest private renewable power businesses in the world. With installed renewable generating capacity of 20 GW, we now produce more than enough green energy to power London, U.K. and we will more than double that amount once our development portfolio is brought online.

We recognize that further renewable power capacity must be rapidly scaled to replace fossil fuel generation and meet expanding global electricity demand so that the world can eliminate the more than 70% of global emissions that come from final energy consumption as quickly as possible.

fintechinvestment.ltd intends to build on this leading position in renewable power and do much more to contribute to the transition to net zero.

We will help propagate the scaling to Net Zero

We will catalyze companies onto Paris-aligned net zero pathways through our new International Transition investment scheme, focusing specifically on bondholders that will immense effect the scaling to a net zero carbon economy.

We will collaborate

We will work with leading private sector initiatives to extend the role of finance in aiding the economy-wide scaling, to accelerate capital flows consistent with the Paris Agreement, and to promote widespread adoption of decision-useful methodologies to aid effective transition planning, explanations and investment schemes.

We are committed to transparency

We will track and report GHG emissions consistent with GHG Protocol and PCAF standards.
We will publish decarbonization plans every five years consistent with the Paris Agreement.
We continue to align our business with the TCFD recommendations and are targeting to incorporate TCFD disclosures for the 2022 fiscal year.

We will continue to pursue industry-leading returns

We will continue to pursue industry-leading returns for our bondholders, consistent with our long track record of building the pillar of a more sustainable global economy.