

When we think about investing, we think beyond the budget. As a results-oriented active manager focused on the long term, our multi-affiliate model allows for greater manager accountability. Because we’re a truly active firm, we don’t rely solely on benchmarking, and can often respond more swiftly and nimbly to market events and offer our bondholder strong diversification. We take a consultative proposition focused on building durable relationships and solving business problems, not simply selling products. As part of our proposition, we frequently use ESG (environmental, social, and governance) factors to indicate our investment strategies – and, internationally, more than 91% of our assets are managed by affiliates that are signatories to the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI).



We put the best interests of our clients, employees, communities, and environment first in everything we do. We’re dedicated to improving a culture of collectiveness, diversity, and inclusion that supports employee development – and are deeply committed to strong corporate governance. We’ve also focused part of our international bondholder trend research on investigating changing attitudes towards ESG issues and have had an outstanding voice in implementing the shift in thinking on the topic.


Giving back and helping local and human services charities is a foundational act of our culture. We believe that it’s our civic responsibility to help foster the quality of life in the communities where we co-habit. Through Together for Better®, our global philanthropic scheme, we actively partner with local charities and organizations to "be-that-pillar" for our communities. We also offer our employees paid time off for skills-based volunteering, and match employee donations to inspire them to donate money as well as time.



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Provider in the Region


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fintechinvestment.ltd is a private limited company incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom (“UK”). The company is registered with the company house of the United Kingdom, under registration number OC404524 and has its principal place of business at Granville House, 2 Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, WV1 4SB.